Pain medications do not treat the cause of pain. They are designed to temporarily mask pain, but do nothing to actually cure the source of the issue. Without proper treatment for a pain condition, patients face a continuous cycle of medicating which can lead to abuse and possible addiction.

Side Effects of Pain Medication Use

As with most medications, there tends to be an array of side effects associated with the use of painkillers.  This means doctors and patients should carefully evaluate a patient’s medical history and current state of health to determine if the benefit of using pain medication outweighs the risks.

Some of the possible side effects of using pain medication include possible organ damage, constipation, decreased gastrointestinal motility, abuse, and addiction. There is also a concern that with prolonged use, patients can build up a tolerance, requiring stronger doses.

How Pain Medications Work

The majority of pain medications are opioids. As their name suggests, opioids are designed to affect the pain receptors in the body which in turn reduces the intensity of pain signals. In other words, pain medications work by dulling the pain signals that reach the brain.

Alternative Treatment Options to Pain Medication

MacKenzie SDI is dedicated to providing non-invasive, non-medicated treatment options for a variety of pain conditions. Treatment begins with a thorough examination in order to discover the root cause of pain. After a careful diagnosis, treatment plans may include spinal decompression, laser therapy, chiropractic care, stretching techniques, joint and soft tissue manipulation, or physical therapy.

Live Pain Free. Contact MacKenzie SDI Today at (778) 730-0312.